Rabu, 11 April 2012

CuteTube 1.1.2 Symbian^3 Signed

cuteTube is a fully featured YouTube client that allows you to browse, search, play, upload and download YouTube videos. You can also manage your uploads, favorites, playlists and subscriptions. Supports 1080 and 720p video downloads from Youtube.

Fix for UNABLE TO CONNECT TO SERVER Navigate to Settings > Application Settings > Videos > Access point in use: NONE (Change it to the access point you want to connect, either WiFi / 3G / Edge / GPRS)

Fix for unable to write to file bug:
Create CuteTube folder inside Mass Memory E:/ and voila you can download videos without any glitches.

Note: If you have an earlier version installed on your device, you will probably need to remove it before installing. If you experience a black screen when first launching cuteTube, then you will most likely need to install the following:
Qt 4.7.4 for Symbian Anna
Qt Mobility 1.2.1 for Symbian Anna
Qt Components 1.1 for Symbian

download Qt here 

- Fixed sharing of videos via Facebook
- Fixed non-persistent playback quality setting
without SmartInstaller
with SmartInstaller

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